APL-HART Ethernet
The Ethernet Advanced Physical Layer (APL) Switch is used to connect an APL network to Ethernet. The switch has 3 APL channels and one RJ45 Ethernet connector. The switch supplies power to the APL network devices. Supports HART-IP over APL. This switch is used for APL device development. Switch Connector Interface
- Dimensions x.x” x y.y x zz” (63mm x 63mm x33mm)
- Total Unit Weight z oz (zz g)
- Temperature -40C to 85C
- APL Connectors Screw terminals
- Ethernet Connector RJ45
- APL Specifications Ethernet-APL Power
Test Specification v1.1 HCF_TEST-008 FCG TT20008 v1.0
- Supply Voltage 110Vac to 220Vac, 50 or 60Hz
- Input Power xxx
- Power per APL channel 540mW