Frequently Asked Questions
- All HART modems in the market today are hardware based in the form of a chip dedicated to provide 1200 BPS modem functions. Smart Embedded Systems (SES) is the first company to offer firmware based modem solution in a microcontroller. This provides a great deal of flexibility and allows the end customer to add other functions along with the complete modem.
- Flexibility
- Lower component count
- Lower cost
- Add more features
This is the FieldComm group standard for 9600/1200 BPS modem.
There is no other difference in the functionality as 9600 BPS is also backward compatible with 1200 BPS modem.
We offer the latest version of Hart Stack which is 7.0.
The soft modem works just as well as the chip modem. However, SES is the first company to offer 9600/1200 BPS modem.
- Application notes
- Interface document
- Technical support from SES
Besides higher throughput (eight times the 1200 BPS modem) over the 4-20 mA loop, the higher speed modem will reduce the time for calibration and provisioning.
It is the only way to get access to ALL the information in your HART device! The DD (Device Descriptor) contains all the information necessary for the host application (such as DevCom2000, DevComDroid, or DevCom.iOS) to acquire and display every parameter in your HART device. It also contains the Methods needed to perform more complex operations like Trims and Calibrations. The DD also decodes device status information into human readable text.